Big List of 230 Niches

  • The Big List of Niches

The Big List of Niches

Are you looking for a list of niches to help you begin your career in Internet marketing? Well then look no further, because you’ve just stumbled upon The Big List of 230 Niches! I created this list in response to the growing number of e-marketers who thought it was a good idea to sell niche lists for an exorbitant amount of money.

To search through this list, either scroll down or simply hit CTRL+F on your keyboard and type in a keyword related to your niche. I add niches to this list every now and then, so there are currently more than 230.

Big List of 230 Niches

  1. 3D Printing: This niche offers products related to operating a 3D printer, buying your first 3D printer, and using a 3D printer to make money.
  2. Abuse: This niche focuses on victims of abuse and mostly contains products about recovery.
  3. Acne: The acne niche is a popular niche with the target consumer being teens, although young adults with acne can also be targeted. The acne niche encompasses products focused on acne recovery through natural and medical means.
  4. Acting: Acting products are geared towards Thespians who are looking to improve their acting skills.
  5. Addiction: The addiction and recovery niche focuses on helping people recover from a wide-range of addictions (drugs, sex, gambling, etc).
  6. Adult: This niche focuses on general pornography.
  7. Adult toys: The adult toy niche is part of the adult niche. It’s a self-explanatory niche that deals with the sales of adult toys (dildos, Fleshlights, etc).
  8. Advertising: The Advertising niche is a general niche that usually contains e-books on how to advertise a product or service.
  9. Affiliate Marketing: This niche is similar to selling shovels during the gold rush. You focus on selling guides or tools for affiliate marketing to affiliate marketers.
  10. Africa: This is a part of the Travel niche and focuses entirely on products related to travelling to Africa (what to bring, hot spots, etc).
  11. Alternative Energy: This niche is comprised of products about installing and buying solar panels and windmills to save on your electric bill.
  12. Alternative Beliefs: This is a broad niche that encompasses tarot cards, palm reading, and the belief in “magic” (for example, voodoo, not magic tricks).
  13. Amazon: This niche contains e-books on selling (and occasionally buying) on Amazon. If you know many people who are looking to sell on Amazon, then this niche can be highly lucrative.
  14. Animal Care & Pets: This niche is mainly composed of pet care guides.
  15. Anti Adware / Spyware: The Anti Adware/Spyware niche, while self-explanatory, is usually comprised of software (and sometimes how-to e-books) that eliminates spyware and adware.
  16. Apps: The Apps niche is a highly competitive niche about creating and marketing Android or IOS applications.
  17. Aphrodisiac Foods: Guides and information on the consumption of food that stimulated sexual desire.
  18. Arabic: Arabic is a part of the Language niche. These products often teach the consumer how to speak Arabic, but my rarely feature products entirely in Arabic.
  19. Architecture: This is a niche with do-it-yourself products geared towards handymen who enjoy a project.
  20. Art: The Art niche contains products that teach people how to improve their drawing, painting, and sculpting skills.
  21. Article Marketing: Article Marketing is a niche with products related to writing articles for marketing purposes on blogs and websites such as Ezine articles.
  22. Asia: This is a part of the travelling niche containing products about travelling to Asian countries.
  23. As Seen On TV: The As Seen On TV niche contains products that were featured in a commercial or infomercials.
  24. Astrology: Astrology is part of the “Magic (not to be confused with magic tricks)” and Alternatives beliefs niche. It often offers products about reading and understanding horoscopes
  25. Auctions: This niche is often used to promote auction-based websites such as Deal Dash and Ebay.
  26. Audiobooks: Similarly to e-books, this niche contains audiobooks on various subjects.
  27. Auto Loan: This is a part of the loan niche and offers products about obtaining loans on vehicles.
  28. Automotive: The automotive niche contains car/motorcycle parts, VIN checks, and car manuals.
  29. Baby Shower: This niche has baby shower gifts, gift ideas, decorations, and more.
  30. Background Investigations: The background investigation niche contains software used to gather information (both basic and extensive) on another person.
  31. Baseball: This niche, a part of the sports niche, contains products related to baseball such as betting systems and products aimed at improving your baseball skills.
  32. Base Jumping: Products and services related to base jumping.
  33. Basketball: This niche, a part of the sports niche, contains products related to basketball such as betting systems and products aimed at improving your basketball skills.
  34. BBQ: This is a part of the cooking niche and includes products on BBQ recipes
  35. Beauty: Like the weight loss niche, this is another popular and “saturated” niche with products related to skin care.
  36. Blog Marketing: This niche contains e-books that teach you the basics of blog marketing and how to monetise your blog.
  37. Body Art: The body art niche deals with a variety of products such as do-it-yourself tattoos, tattoo ink, piercing and tattoo equipment, and programs that allow you to preview a tattoo before you get it.
  38. Book Publishing: This is a niche that contains products on how to successfully get a book published.
  39. Book Writing: This niche can be described as the face side of the book publishing niche. It contains products related to how to improve your writing techniques and choosing a target audience.
  40. Business Finance: Part of the business niche, this niche is about how to manage business finances and not go into debt.
  41. Business Leadership: Part of the business niche, this niche contains products on how to lead you company to success.
  42. Business Management: Part of the business niche, this niche contains products on how to manage your company.
  43. Business Opportunity: Part of the business niche, this niche contains products on where to find the best business opportunities.
  44. Canada: This is a part of the travel niche and contains products related to travelling to Canada.
  45. Car Accessories: This niche has a variety of products for vehicles such as cup holders, LEDs, neon kits, bolt-on mufflers, etc.
  46. Career Opportunities: Similarly to the business opportunity niche, this niche has products on how and where to find business opportunities, as well as offering the business opportunities.
  47. Caribbean: This niche is related to the travel niche and contains products on travelling to the Caribbean and products from the Caribbean.
  48. Car Insurance: This niche offers car insurance services.
  49. Car Rental: The car rental niche contains products related to renting cars.
  50. Casino: The casino niche encompasses products such as gambling systems, operating your own casino, and illicit activities.
  51. Cat Food: The cat food niche contains food formulated for cats.
  52. Cell Phone: This niche usually includes products offering services related to reverse phone directories and background checks.
  53. Ceramics: The ceramics niche contains products such as cookware, pottery, and kiln linings.
  54. Chess: The chess niche contains guides on winning chess games.
  55. Chinese: The Chinese niche contains products on the Chinese culture and guides to learning Chinese languages such as Mandarin and Cantonese.
  56. Chocolate: The chocolate niche contains confectioneries and chocolate-dipped food.
  57. Cigarette: The cigarette niche contains products related to smoking.
  58. Classic Car: The classic car niche is a niche where you promote products regarding tips and tricks on the restoration of classic cars.
  59. Classified Advertising: This is actually an Internet Marketing service offered on this website and it includes software that automatically posts advertisements on classified websites for you and e-books that teach you how to post an advertisement that will convert.
  60. Coaching: The coaching niche contains guides on becoming a better coach for any general team.
  61. Computer Hardware: This niche features e-books related to “getting the best bang for your buck” when building a new computer and e-books that teach you how to build a computer.
  62. Console Guides & Repairs: This niche contains console and repair guides.
  63. Consulting: The consulting niche offers services such as business and financial consulting.
  64. Cooking: The cooking niche contains cook books and other cooking guides.
  65. Crafts & Hobbies: The
  66. Credit: The credit niche contains guides on improving your credit score and lowering interest.
  67. Current Events: The current events niche contains news websites on current events.
  68. Cycling: The cycling niche contains products, guides, and parts related to improving bicycle performance and improving yourself for cycling events.
  69. Dance: The dance niche contains videos and guides on how to perform certain dances.
  70. Dating: The dating niche is a very popular niche that contains guides and websites on how to get back an ex, find a life partner, and more.
  71. Death: This is a more esoteric niche that deals with promoting death-related products (e-books on funeral etiquette, funeral ideas, and even videos depicting real deaths).
  72. Debt Management: This niche contains services and guides on how to manage your debt.
  73. Dental: The dental niche contains products related to dental hygiene.
  74. Developer Tools: The developer niche contains software and guides related to developing software and programs for Android, IOS, Windows, etc.
  75. Digital Photos: In this niche, software that displays, organises, or prints digital photos is usually promoted.
  76. Divorce: The divorce niche contains products and services related to managing your life after divorce, divorce consulting, and how to get back an ex.
  77. Domains: This niche contains websites for domain registrars and guides on flipping domains.
  78. Drinks & Beverages: This niche has products related to soft drinks and other consumable liquid.
  79. Driving: The driving niche has products and services related to operating a vehicle.
  80. Drop shipping: This niche contains products and services related to partnering with a wholesale supplier who stocks products for you.
  81. DVD Rental: The DVD rentals niche contains DVDs from renting services.
  82. E-commerce: The contains products related to operating an e-commerce business.
  83. Eating Disorders: The eating disorders niche contains products and services for people with eating disorders.
  84. Ebay: Similarly to the Amazon niche, the Ebay niche can be highly lucrative if you know how to reach people who are looking (or are already) selling on Ebay.
  85. E-book: This is a broad niche that contains e-books on many topics.
  86. E-cigarette: This is a relatively new niche related to the cigarette niche. In this niche, you would promote products such as e-cigarette cartridges, vaporiser pens, batteries, and more.
  87. Economics: This niche contains products on economics.
  88. Education: This niche contains information on educational resources, software, and materials.
  89. Email Marketing: The email marketing niche is a niche where you promote software that sends automated emails and guides on how to get the most out of email marketing.
  90. Email Services: Similarly to email marketing, this niche also contains products that send automated emails as well as software that promises to get rid of ads and spam.
  91. English: This is a part of the language niche where you promote products, software, and online programs that teach non-native speakers (and occasionally children) how to speak English.
  92. Etiquette: This is a niche where you promote products such as e-books that teach you how to behave is formal and informal situations.
  93. Europe: The Europe niche contains products and services related to travelling to Europe.
  94. Exercise & Fitness: This niche is a part of the health niche.
  95. Extreme Sports: Products and services related to extreme sports.
  96. Fantasy Sports: This niche contains products, services, and websites about managing a fantasy sport team.
  97. Fashion: The fashion niche is a niche that sells fashion clothing and accessories.
  98. Film: The film or movie niche often offers “free” movies with advertisements either on the website itself or in the video. These videos may also contain surveys.
  99. Florist: The florist niche contains products related to botany and flower bouquts.
  100. Football (American): This niche encompasses products ranging from footballs, cards, equipment, and more.
  101. French: This niche contains products on learning French.
  102. Gardening & Horticulture: This niche contains products such as seeds and fertilisers.
  103. Gay: This niche contains adult products and products for the pro-gay movement.
  104. Genealogy: This niche contains services that help people learn about their family history.
  105. German: This niche is part of the language niche and focuses on products about how to learn the language.
  106. Gold: You may be familiar with this niche if you’ve ever seen a, “We will buy your gold” commercial. This niche focuses on buying gold, how to sell gold, and other products.
  107. Golf: This niche focuses on gold as a sport. It focuses on products about how to play better and golfing equipment.+
  108. gospel music: This niche focuses on gospel music.
  109. Graphic Design: This niche focuses on graphic design (logo, cartoons, etc).
  110. Graphics: This niche focuses on graphics in general such as widget buttons.
  111. Hardware: This niche focuses on general hardware such as computer hardware.
  112. Hebrew: This niche focuses on learning Hebrew.
  113. Hemp: These products are normally about hemp (not marijuana) and come in the form of woven sacks, paper, and other products.
  114. Higher Education: This niche contains a broad category of products ranging from college books, how-to guides, and more.
  115. Hindi: This niche focuses on learning the language Hindi.
  116. Hockey: This language focuses on the sport of hockey.
  117. Home-buying: This niche focuses on products for firs-time home-buyers.
  118. Home-School: This niche, which does not contain products for online school, focuses on teaching a child from home.
  119. Home Security: This niche focuses on security systems such as infra-red camera and DVRs.
  120. Home Theatre: This niche contains products on managing and building a home theatre.
  121. Horse Racing: This niche focuses on horse-racing betting systems, strategies, and training manuals for horse racers.
  122. How-to: This popular niche contains how-to guides on a variety of products.
  123. Home Improvements: The home improvements niche contains guides, tools, and equipment for home improvement.
  124. Humour: The humour niche contains joke books and other items similar to this.
  125. Hypnosis: The hypnosis niche contains products, usually in audio format, that claim to hypnotise you. This niche does not include I-dosing products.
  126. I-Dosing: The I-dosing niche, which is technically part of the binaural beats niche, was popular a few years ago and offered products in audio format that promised the user a “digital high”.
  127. Infidelity Test Kits: This niche mostly offers products for testing a cheating wife with semen test kits.
  128. Insurance: This is the niche for insurance companies.
  129. Internet Marketing: This niche focuses on Internet marketing in general.
  130. Internet Tools: This niche focuses on Internet tools such as grease monkey and search bar extensions.
  131. Italian: This niche offers products for learning Italian.
  132. Japanese: This niche offers language learning programs for the Japanese language.
  133. Job Listings: This niche often comes in the form of a website that lists jobs that you would be great at.
  134. Job Skills / Training: This niche offers guides for gaining useful skills for jobs.
  135. karaoke: This niche offers karaoke products.
  136. Latin America: This niche offers products and services for travelling to Latin America.
  137. Law & Legal Issues: This niche offers services related to legal issues.
  138. Lottery: This niche focuses on the lottery.
  139. Magic Tricks: This niche focuses on non-occult magic.
  140. Making Money: This niche offers money-making tips and guides.
  141. Making Money Online: This niche offers products and services to help people make money online.
  142. Marketing: This niche focuses on marketing as a whole.
  143. Marriage & Relationships: This niche focuses on products about how to get married, begin a relationship, or manage a relationship.
  144. Martial Arts: This niche focuses on learning martial arts.
  145. medicine (alternative): This niche focuses on alternative medicine such as acupuncture.
  146. Meditation: This niche offers products that teach you how to properly meditate.
  147. Men’s Health: This niche focuses on men’s health.
  148. Mental Health: The mental health niche offers products, services, and websites (Psyche forums) related to mental health.
  149. Middle East: This niche focuses on travelling to the Middle East.
  150. MMORPG: This niche focuses on MMORPG (online video games) such as Runescape and World of Warcraft.
  151. Money Management: This niche is a broader version of the business finance niche. Instead of focusing on money management on finances, it focuses on money management for individuals.
  152. Motivational / Transformational: This niche offers products, often in the form of books, that motivate someone to change their life for the better.
  153. Motorcycle: This niche focuses on motorcycle equipment and motorcycles.
  154. Mountaineering: This niche offers gear for mountaineering.
  155. multi level marketing: This niche focuses on using other people to sell your products while paying them a fraction of your commission.
  156. Music: This niche focuses on music.
  157. Niche Marketing: This niche focuses on niche marketing as a whole.
  158. Numerology: This niche focuses on the relationship between numbers and life.
  159. Nutrition: This niche focuses on overall nutrition.
  160. Online: This niche focuses on online services related to casino, paying bills , cigarettes, games, pharmacy, and school.
  161. Operating Systems: This niche focuses on general operating systems.
  162. Outdoors & Nature: This niche offers products and services for the outdoors.
  163. Paid Surveys: This is a niche where you set up a website where you offer a reward to visitors who complete surveys (for example, Prizerebel).
  164. Paranormal: This niche offers products related to the paranormal.
  165. Paragliding: Products and services related to paragliding.
  166. Parenting: This niche offers parenting manuals.
  167. Pay Per Click Advertising: This niche offers services related to PPC advertising.
  168. penis pills: This niche offers products that promise to enlarge your penis.
  169. Photography: This niche offers products and services related to photography.
  170. Poker: This niche offers products such as betting systems and how-to guides that can help you become a better poker player.
  171. Politics: This niche focuses on political products.
  172. Pregnancy & Childbirth: This niche focuses on products for pregnant women such as maternity clothing.
  173. Programming: This niche offers products that help you learn programming languages such as Java and C++.
  174. Psychic: This niche focuses on products that help you “awaken” your sixth sense.
  175. Public Speaking: This niche contains products that are meant to help you become a better public speaker.
  176. R/C Cars: This niche focuses on building and maintaining R/C cars.
  177. Radio: This niche focuses on radio in general.
  178. Real Estate: This niche focuses on real estate in general.
  179. Registry Cleaners: This niche focuses on software that “cleans” registry files.
  180. relaxation: This niche focuses on products created to help you relax.
  181. Religion: This niche focuses on religion in general.
  182. Reverse Phone Lookup: This niche, part of the background investigation niche, focuses on gathering information on a person through their phone number.
  183. Ringtones: This niche offers audio files that are meant to be used as ringtones.
  184. Russian: This niche focuses on learning the Russian language.
  185. Russian Dating: This niche offers mail-order bride services and guides on how to date Russian women and, less commonly, Russian men.
  186. Screensavers & Wallpaper: This niche offers wallpaper and screensaver images.
  187. Security: This niche offers security products.
  188. Self-Esteem: This niche contains products for improving your self-esteem.
  189. Self Defense: This niche contains courses on how to defend yourself.
  190. SEM & SEO: This niche offers guides and services for on-page and off-page SEO.
  191. Sewing: The Sewing niche contains products and guides for sewing.
  192. Sign Language: This niche contains products about how to learn sign language,
  193. Silver: This niche is similar to the Gold niche.
  194. Skydiving: Products and services related to skydiving.
  195. Skincare: This niche contains products such as scar removal cream.
  196. Sleep and Dreams: This niche contains products for people interested in sleeping and dreaming such as lucid dreaming guides.
  197. Small Biz / Entrepreneurship:
  198. Soccer: This niche contains products for the sport of soccer.
  199. Social Media Marketing: This niche contains software and training guides for social media marketing.
  200. Softball: This niche contains equipment and training guides for softball.
  201. Software: This niche contains general software for every system.
  202. Spanish: This niche contains products for learning the Spanish language.
  203. Special Needs: This niche contains products for people with special needs such as echolocation training guides.
  204. Spiritual Health: This niche contains products on improving your spiritual health.
  205. Stocks: This niche contains guides on how to invest in stocks.
  206. Strategy Guides: This is a general niche that contains strategy guides for video games.
  207. Strength Training: This niche contains products on strength training.
  208. Stress Management: This niche contains guides on how to manage stress.
  209. Student Loans: This niche offers student loan services for college students.
  210. Survival: This niche contains outdoor survival guides.
  211. System: This niche contains products for administration, analysis, design, and optimisation of a system.
  212. Tarot: This niche contains products such as tarot cards.
  213. Television: This niche contains products such as television directories.
  214. Test Prep & Study Guides: This niche contains popular products such as SAT guides and websites that partner tutors with students.
  215. Thai: The Thai niche contains products on learning Thai.
  216. Theatre: This niche contains products such as movie tickets or
  217. Time Management: The time management niche contains products on how to better manage your time to improve your life.
  218. Travel: This niche contains general travel information guides as well as travel insurance.
  219. United States: This niche offers guides on travelling to the United States.
  220. Vegetables / Vegetarian: This niche offers tips, tricks, food, and guides on becoming a vegetarian.
  221. Video: This niche offers products for creating videos.
  222. Video Marketing: This niche contains products that claim to help you with video marketing.
  223. VOIP: This niche contains products and services such as Skype and other VOIP networks.
  224. Volleyball: The volleyball niche contains products to play volleyball as well as guides on how to play better.
  225. Watches: The watch niche contains guides on watch repair and maintenance.
  226. Web Cam Girls: This is part of the Adult niche. It focuses on promoting both specific web cam girls and web cam girl websites.
  227. Website: This niche encompasses products related to web design, hosting, and promotion.
  228. Wedding: The wedding niche is a niche that features tuxedos and other wedding related items.
  229. Weight Loss: This is one of the most popular and saturated niches. This niche encompasses a variety of products including: pills, guides, magick, surgeries, and more!
  230. Wingsuit: Products and services for using a wingsuit.
  231. Wine Making: This can be considered part of the cooking niche and contains products on how to make wine.
  232. Witchcraft: This niche contains products about spells and hexes.
  233. Women’s Health: This niche focuses on the health of a woman.
  234. Writing: This niche contains guides on becoming a successful writer.
  235. XM Radio: The XM Radio niche offers XM radio services and radio station listings.
  236. Yahoo Auctions: This niche sells guides to help someone win Yahoo auctions.
  237. Yoga: The yoga niche contains intangible products such as e-books on yoga exercises and tangible products such as yoga mats.

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Alistair Kavalt