Why Fake Google Reviews Services No Longer Work
We’ve heard a lot of reports since August 2023 that people who have been ordering fake Google reviews have noticed that they’re no longer sticking. ‘Sticking’ just simply means that the reviews are getting removed instead of staying up.
As far as we’re aware, it’s not every fake reviews service provider as we have found a few that worked, but the large majority of the service providers we’ve dealt with haven’t been able to provide their service as advertised.
As we here at Sycosure don’t ever vouch for specific service providers, we’ll instead tell you why the fake Google reviews that you’re ordering aren’t sticking so that you can better know which ones will stick.
10 Reasons Why Fake Google Reviews Services No Longer Work
Reason #1: The Service Is Priced Cheaply
This is just a trend we’ve noticed, but if each Google review is being sold for $5, don’t expect a lot of effort to be put into it. Every cheap $5 Google review service we’ve looked over since August 2023 has not been able to get a single review to stick for more than 24 hours.
Reason #2: The Service Provider Is Using Non-Local Accounts
Look, if you’ve got a restaurant in Los Angeles and you get a review from some guy in Bangladesh who’s never stepped 5 feet out of Dhaka, then it’s pretty obvious it’s a fake review.
This is really a problem with fake Google review service providers who don’t bother using local accounts.
Reason #3: The Service Provider Is Using Freshly-Made Google Accounts
When we say fresh, we mean these accounts haven’t even been fully set up, yet the first thing they do is leave a review for your business? Come on…
Reason #4: Your Business Doesn’t Have Many Reviews
This one really comes down to how many reviews your business already has. The Google reviews services that we have seen stick have only worked on businesses that already had dozens or even hundreds of genuine reviews already. If you have a couple of reviews on your business listing, a fake one is definitely going to stand out more.
Reason #5: The Service Provider Writes Low-Quality Content
If the fake Google reviews service provider says that they’ll provide the content themselves, then steer clear of this service. They’ll either just write whatever first comes to mind, often times not even related to the niche of the business; or they’ll use some low effort ChatGPT prompt. Don’t get me wrong, ChatGPT is a great tool… a tool that most people don’t know how to wield. You can’t just put in any prompt like “write a review for this business (insert URL here)” and expect it to come up with something good. You need to be specific, provide details on what you want and don’t want in the review.
Reason #6: You’re Asking For 5 Stars
Good grief, not every review has to be 5 stars. You can 4 stars, or even 3, 2, or 1! Somebody is going to take some issue with your service, especially as you continue getting reviews for your business. It might be a minor issue, but that’ll still result in a 4 star review. It happens, deal with it.
Reason #7: You’re Asking For A Perfect Review
“This is the BEST service on the planet of Earth. I will only ever use this service in my life, no other services, because this service blows everything else out of the water” – Said no one ever.
Granted, you see some genuine reviews written like this for truly extraordinary products and services. You probably don’t have this, but even the people who do offer such well-crafted services still don’t have perfect-sounding reviews across the board.
Speaking of perfect…
Reason #8: The Review Was Written Too Well
We mean in regards to spelling and grammar.
Add some freaking speling errors or typoos in the review, FFS. Something to make it sound like it was written by a person who’s just quickly trying to leave a review for a service they liked and not a business owner trying to craft the perfect response that they obviously came up with themselves.
Reason #9: The Service Provider Is Using Accounts With A Low Reviews History
This goes back to reason #3, but what are the chances that all 10 of the reviews you’ve received in the last month have all come from people who just happened to leave their first review for your business? You must be that great to encourage so many people to leave a review for the first time, right?
“BUt ThEy ArE rEaL! i JuSt tOLD mY CliEntS tO sIgN uP To GooGle & pOsT a rEViEw!” – Yeah, no. That excuse might work on some marketplaces, but your clients aren’t signing up to Google in droves just to leave you a review.
Reason #10: The Reviews Weren’t Drip-Fed
I don’t know what it is about fake Google reviews services and the lack of drip-feeding options, but most of them don’t offer this for some reason. The ones that do have the drip-feeding options on such an obvious timer (a “once every 24 hours exactly” kind of timer), well, you see the problem there.
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