Everything You Need To Know About Parasite SEO
Based on the name and the image above, you might assume that parasite SEO involves using malicious pages that are out to hurt your website or your reputation (or someone else’s), but this is simply not true. You see, parasite pages are the pages on authority websites that rank in the search engine results pages for your keyword (usually your name or your company name). Many people find these parasite pages annoying as they may outrank their own websites, although parasite pages present a unique opportunity in the world of search engine optimisation and online reputation management (which often involves SEO).
Why You Should You Do Parasite SEO?
Normally, I wouldn’t advocate the use of a black hat method, although I make an exception for parasite SEO. For example, in the case of online reputation management, if you want the search results that appear for your name or your company’s name to appear professional (or you want to push bad results down without harming the websites), you can use parasite SEO to boost the position of your social media pages in the search engine results pages. For search engine optimisation, parasite SEO can be used to boost social media pages that contain backlinks to pages on your website that you want people to visit.
How Parasite SEO Works
Believe it or not, parasite SEO can work through building high quality backlinks to the URLs or by doing “negative SEO”. Yes, you read that correctly, I said negative SEO, however in this case you’re not trying to hurt the website (you wouldn’t be able to, anyway). You see, because parasite pages are pages on authority website, this means that they are much more resistant to spam techniques than your average blog (with Google either ignoring the spam or counting some of the links since the websites are trusted).
Now, parasite SEO using spammy backlinks doesn’t always work. In fact, it’s usually a hit or miss case as your results will either involve your parasite pages rising in rank and staying there “permanently” or your parasite pages being unaffected.
How To Use Parasite SEO For ORM
Overview Of What You’ll Need
- A Parasite Page URL
- A Lot Of Backlinks (or a method to generate backlinks such as by using GSA) or high quality backlinks
- Time To Run A Campaign (1-3 weeks)
Since parasite pages are much more resistant to negative SEO (they are authority websites, after all), you can use this resistance to increase their rank in the SERPs to push down undesirable results. All you need to do is blast tier 1 contextual backlinks to the parasite pages until the pages have reached the position you want them to be in. In the event that the pages do not budge, pick another parasite page.
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