
  • Native Files: To Give Or Not To Give

    Occasionally, I find myself in a situation where I’m required to restore or create images for clients. However, after the job is finished, I’ve been asked a multitude of times if I can send them the native files. While I personally have no issue giving out my native files when a client asks for it, […]...

  • Flat Rates VS Hourly Rates For Photo Retouching

    If you’re like me, you may test out new methods and pricing structures on clients for a discounted price quite frequently. Recently, I tested charging flat rates and hourly rates for photo retouching with multiple clients to see which one works better under the recommendation of a few shady Internet marketers who suggested giving both [&helli...

  • My Experience With Buying Fiverr YouTube Views

    I’ll admit it, I bought 10,000 YouTube views for one of my videos in the past. For those of you who don’t know, I often test methods I read about and either post about them here or use them for my own projects. Needless to say, it was the first time I had ever bought Fiverr […]...

  • 4 Tips For Like4Like: YouTube & More!

    Not that long ago, I had experimented with a website called “Like4Like” for gaining YouTube comments, views, and subscribers. While I wouldn’t recommend using their YouTube service for comments since the comments you’ll receive are rubbish (more on that in a moment), I know that many of you will want to use their o...

  • 3 Tips For Choosing The Best Clickbank Products To Promote

    Let’s face it, Clickbank has a lot of trash, andchoosing the best Clickbank products to promote seems like a tedious task that you’ll never complete. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. While there are a lot of dubious products on Clickbank, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there aren’t a few gems on there. To...

  • 7 Easy Ways To Make Money With Clickbank

    New affiliates often have a difficult time figuring out how to make money with Clickbank because they don’t know where to start. This is because most of the methods new affiliates come across online are often either too convoluted for a beginner to understand or extremely outdated and no longer feasible. Because I went through […]...

  • Big List of 230 Niches

    Are you looking for a list of niches to help you begin your career in Internet marketing? Well then look no further, because you’ve just stumbled upon The Big List of 230 Niches! I created this list in response to the growing number of e-marketers who thought it was a good idea to sell niche […]...