
  • The 5 Most Annoying Pop-up Ads On The Internet

    Annoying pop-up ads are, well, annoying; which is the reason I try to minimise the intrusiveness of the ads on my sites. However, some Internet marketers have taken these ads to a whole new level, making them even more annoying than before. Now, I present to you, “The 5 Most Annoying Pop-Up Ads On The […]...

  • How To Stop Guardlink & Other Referrer Spam

    So today I woke up, checked my Google Analytics data, and saw a surge in traffic that was coming from a site called “Guardlink”. Now, I’ve never heard of this site, so naturally I was excited because I thought that I was receiving even more traffic to my most popular security article titled, “How Someone Could […]...

  • The Marketing Potential of

    If you don’t know what is, it’s a new and free browser-based game that just came out earlier this month. As you can see based on the image above, it already has a lot of players. However, because it’s new and does not currently have any type of moderation system to prevent specific usernames, […]...

  • How To Get The Top Comments On YouTube

    Today’s article on how to get the top comments on YouTube will be a more extensive version of my other article titled, “Infographic: How Do Top Comments On Youtube Work?“. Top Comments On YouTube Factors Google+ Factors I mentioned in my infographic article that Google+ may be one of the most important factors, and this was base...

  • What Is Click-Through Rate?

    I figured that it would be convenient for my visitors who came across a term such as click-through rate and wondered, “wait, what is click-through rate?”, to be able to find the definitions right here on this website. So, what is Click-Through Rate, you ask? Click-through rate, often referred to as CTR, is a ratio […]...

  • Infographic: How Do Top Comments On Youtube Work?

    This is the first version of my, “How Do Top Comments On Youtube Work” infographic. Below, I’ve created an explanation for the terms used in this infographic to clear up any confusion. Please note that not all of these factors have been proven to affect your chances of receiving the top comment on YouTube, so […]...

  • How To Fix The Missed Schedule WordPress Error

    Due to an upcoming surgery, I’ve recently begun automating some of my tasks such as publishing posts on this site and sharing them on social media, but I didn’t expect to encounter the missed schedule WordPress error. In fact, you’re probably reading this article right now because you’re looking for a solution to the missed ...

  • What Is Link Velocity And Can It Harm Your Rankings?

    Link velocity is an SEO term that you don’t hear about very often but you may often notice through “drip feed” link building services. Link velocity is simply the rate at which you are building your backlinks. However, the SEO community has managed to complicate this by saying that building links “too quickly” or R...

  • Internet Marketing Scams: The “Website Analysis” Tool

    It’s no secret that Internet marketing scams are prevalent in this industry, but you would be surprised to know that even the “big dogs” of Internet marketing engaging in forms of scamming. For example, take the website in the image above (which is owned by a very popular Internet marketer who I will refrain from […]...

  • How To Create A Clone Website For Free With Clone Zone

    I recently stumbled upon a website called “CloneZone” that allows you to tweak and upload a clone website (or multiple clone websites) using their website for free. Because of all of the possible ways that this website could be used in Internet marketing (which I will cover in a moment), I naturally jumped at the chance to […]...