
  • How To Remove Referral Spam

    I was checking my Google Analytics data a moment ago when I noticed another surge in referral traffic. However, this time it was not from 1, not from 2, but from 3 sources all related to! These sources appeared in my Google Analytics data as the following: ...

  • Comment Jacking On Facebook

    There’s a new method for spamming Facebook users that some spammers have been using lately to bypass Facebook’s spam filters called “Comment jacking”. As you could probably tell from the image above, comment jacking is not like likejacking, which is where a Facebook spammer would set up a website that would have a video...

  • Stop Referral Spam

    Trafficparadise referral spam is back, but this time they have a new domain name that shows up in Google Analytics called instead of their old referral spam domain name. Surprisingly enough, I only had to filter this spam out of my personal website Google Analytics and not this site (update: now I’ve had [&...

  • Beware: People Can Hack A Facebook Account With A Microsoft Security Flaw

    For those of you with Facebook accounts that were registered with a Microsoft e-mail address (outlook, hotmail, etcetera), then you had better change your e-mail address since now anyone can hack a Facebook account because of a security flaw from Microsoft caused by them recycling old Microsoft e-mail accounts. How Someone Could Hack A Facebook A...

  • How To Fix The HTTPS Yellow Triangle Warning

    While I was compressing a few images on my homepage to make this site load faster, I came across the little HTTPS yellow triangle error. In case you don’t know what the HTTPS yellow triangle warning stands for, it usually means that something on the page has been loaded over an unsecured (non-HTTPS) URL. While your page […]...

  • How To Remove Referral Spam referral spam may hit your Google Analytics account a few times and then disappear for a while after that. It’s not too interesting when compared to other referrer spam, so I’m just going to skip straight to the guide. How To Block Spam: Filter Method The easiest way (and the way I always […]...

  • Remove Referral Spam

    I haven’t received referral spam in a few weeks now, but it’s still a nuisance that needs to be filtered out of the rest of my data. If you also have an issue with this referral spam ruining your Google Analytics data, then continue reading for a few methods on how to get rid of […]...

  • Get Rid of Referral Spam referral usually comes along with referral spam as the 2 are most likely related in some way (considering how similar the URLs and the current state of the sites are, it’s hard not to assume this). Because of this, I’ve created this article to show you how you can get rid of this ghost referr...

  • How To Block Spam spam seems to be the most common ghost referrer spam out there. In fact, this spam seems to affect my Google Analytics data across all of my sites, even my new sites! Currently, my Google Analytics data for this site shows that 159 of my visits in the last month have come from free-share-buttons alone, […]...

  • How To Block Russian Referral Traffic

    Lately, I seem to be getting a lot of referrer spam as I mentioned in my article titled, “How to Stop Guardlink & Other Referrer Spam“. Now, in today’s article, I’ll be going over how to block Russian referral traffic and why it occurs. How To Block Russian Referral Traffic: Filter Method ...