
  • Soft 404 Crawl Error Search Spam

    You’re more than likely here because you were in your Google Search Console account and saw a message that said “Increase in “soft-404” pages on (insert your URL here)”. Upon further investigation, you probably saw something that looked a lot like the screenshot below, right? Don’t panic, your site hasn’t been hack...

  • Adwords Keyword Planner: What You Need To Know

    All right, lately there’s been a lot, and I mean A LOT of confusion surrounding the Adwords Keyword Planner. Misinformation continues to be spread at an alarming rate on forums and blogs everywhere, so I’m here to set the record straight about a few details regarding the Google Keyword Planner tool. Adwords Keyword Planner: What [&helli...

  • How To Easily Spot Fake Facebook Friend Requests

    Earlier today, I received a friend request from someone named “Susanne Channing Freud”. Immediately, I could already tell it was a fake friend request, but after seeing how many clueless blokes added the fake account, I remembered how most people can’t tell the difference because they don’t know how to spot fake Facebook fr...

  • Do SEO Certifications Even Matter?

    At one point in time, I held many different kinds of marketing and SEO certifications from Google, Bing, HubSpot, and some other companies. I’ll admit it, I thought they would help bring in new clients, but they didn’t. In fact, my clients and prospects didn’t even bat an eye to them, and looking back, they had some […]...

  • How To Make A Whiteboard Video For Free

    Every now and then, I receive a message from someone who was wondering how I created the whiteboard video for the Sycosure YouTube channel. In case you haven’t seen it, I’ve embedded the video below. It’s nothing impressive, but most people really have no idea how I made that video. In fact, the whole reason […]...

  • The Pros & Cons of Personal Online Branding

    I can’t say I’ve ever been much of a fan of using myself as a brand, which is probably why I’ve never done it. However, there have been many people across various different industries that have used themselves as a brand; some successfully, others… Eh, not so much. In case you didn’t know, personal online […]...

  • Did You Get Bad SEO Advice? Find Out Here!

    Today I’m introducing a new segment on Sycosure called “Did You Get Bad SEO Advice?” You see, every day, I have to read tons of anyeurism-inducing SEO advice on forums, Twitter, Facebook (especially Facebook), and the little Charlie blogs that pop up every now and then. In order to alleviate some of the stress that comes [&hellip...

  • Expert Experts: A New Breed of SEO Scammers

    Ah, take a look at that quote above. It’s understanding, it’s motivational, it offers hope… It tells you exactly what you want to hear, but not what you need to hear, and that’s why there’s a new type SEO scammers gaining traction. Now, who are these SEO scammers I’m referring to? You see, a couple of years ag...

  • How To Get Your Page Verified On Facebook (For Businesses)

    If you own a company and have either a local business page or a company page, you might be interested in getting your page verified. Not only is the verification badge a trust factor on Facebook, but verified Facebook pages show up higher in the Facebook search results. The business page verification process is pretty […]...

  • Can Too Many Bold Keywords Harm Your Rankings In Google?

    It’s an age-old tactic in SEO. Many online marketers both old and new tell you just how “important” it is to bold tag every instance of your primary keyword in order to “reap the SEO benefits”, but is there any truth to this claim? Does adding a bold tag to your primary keyword on your webpage actually […]...