The Completely Free SEO Training Course

Welcome to the Completely Free SEO Training Course by Sycosure, or CF-SEO for short. This course was created to both help our clients gain a better understanding of what we do and to act as a free alternative to paid SEO courses available on other websites. Additionally, this 5-part training course features links to different pages and posts on our website to help you develop a basic understanding of both on-page and off-page search engine optimisation. By the time you complete our course, you should not only be able perform basic SEO on your own websites with ease, but you’ll also gain a better understanding of how the Internet operates in general.

To begin the course, start off on Part 1’s “What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)?“. At the bottom of each page, there will also be a link to the next page in the course, so there’s no need to come back to this page unless you want to go back to another page in the course.

SEO Training Course Part 1. Getting Started: The Basics Of SEO

SEO Training Course Part 2. On-Page Optimisation